The Null Device

The right to reply

The Council of Europe has set out to improve the Internet, in typical Eurodirigiste fashion, by requiring blogs, mailing lists and other media to give the right to reply to "aggrieved parties". The proposal will apply to all online media, including non-professional media. Watch as the weblogs of Europe collapse under the weight of the volumes of borderline-autistic word-by-word "fisking" they're obliged to publish alongside their regular content. Pseudonymous content held abroad will be safe (see also: Salam Pax), so teenage LiveJournalists won't have to allow that snotty bitch from the other table in the canteen to publish her side of the dispute.

There are 1 comments on "The right to reply":

Posted by: acb Mon Jun 16 16:53:49 2003

Include bullethead comment here comparing the Gaullists in Europe to the Ba'athists in Iraq.