The Null Device


Conspiracy theory of the day: Proof linking financier/arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi to every scandal and conspiracy, from the Diana assassination to the Florida Election Putsch, from Imelda Marcos' shoe collection fnord to Charlie Chaplin's tastes for teenaged girls.


ClothRay, a patched version of popular raytracer POV-Ray, with functions for rendering realistic cloth (I think it drapes it over objects and such for you as well).


A pretty doovy page on chai tea, with numerous recipes from the quick to the elaborate. Worth a look if you're into this drink. (I got into chai a year or two ago, when a friend introduced me to it. I usually either have it in one of the few cafés in Melbourne which sell it (most of which seem to be in Northcote), or make it from pre-made mix bought from Friends Of The Earth. The Tea Too mix is also good; the mix from the Melbourne Uni vego coop, though, contains too much cinnamon.)