The Null Device

Should Narnia be allowed in the EU?

Meanwhile, Guardian readers debate vital issues, such as whether Narnia and Middle Earth should be permitted to join the EU:
Everyone seems to be forgetting just how inefficient farmers Hobbits are. I can't see them agree to reasonable deal on CAP.
They're not ready for entry. The regulations on wardrobes alone should give them pause and the prospect of being overrun by asylum seekers from Sunderland will undoubtedly sway the vote in favour of 'No'.
Guardian readers would undoubtedly support The evil queen

There are 3 comments on "Should Narnia be allowed in the EU?":

Posted by: Anna http:// Wed May 12 16:44:48 2004

The Lynndie England song

Idiots heaven West Virginia all related around Shenandoah river Incest is old there older than the trees younger than the maggots in the mountain cheese

Country roads take her home To the camp she belongs West Virginia old goat momma Take her home country roads

All my memories gather 'round her Army's lady stranger to clear water Dark and dusty smelling to the sky Misty taste of bootshine drinking like a guy

Country roads take her home To the camp she belongs West Virginia old goat momma Take her home country roads

I hear a voice in the morning how she calls me The radio reminds me of the IRAQ far away Drivin' down the road I get the feelin' That she should been home yesterday yesterday

Country roads take her home To the camp she belongs West Virginia old goat momma Take her home country roads

Country roads take her home To the camp she belongs West Virginia old goat momma Take her home country roads

La la la hey hey La la la hey hey La l

Posted by: acb Wed May 12 16:47:54 2004

What does this have to do with Narnia?

Posted by: Ben http:// Thu May 13 13:51:20 2004

Hell, why not? They're letting in Latvia after all (no word on whether Doctor Doom will become ˆÀ‚d‚tCommissioner